
29 years ago a small group of friends and work colleagues began the hunt for a site for what would eventually become Workplace Co-operative 115. Dan was one for those. As well as being co-designer of the building along with Duncan, he was one of the founding members who set up the management structure – a co-op – to ensure the day-to-day running of the workplace. From then till now Dan’s knowledge about the building, its organisational structure and myriad practical matters made him the go-to person for members needing help about almost anything co-op related.

But this month Dan stepped back from such active duty. To mark this transition, friends, family, colleagues and co-op members gathered at 115 on 26 January to pay tribute to him and celebrate his time at the co-op amid flames, film, haggis (only a day late for Burns night) and beer.


Dan in the front courtyard surrounded by friends, colleagues and his favourite element, a good fire


Some of those in the atrium listening to the speechifying


Some of those doing the speechifying


Multi-screen projection onto front courtyard windows