Workplace Co-operative 115 has evolved in a step-by-step process. Some of the main steps are listed here.

» 1995.04 — 1997.04

Search for a live/work building: Peter Brawne, Robin Kinross, Duncan Kramer, Dan Monck

» 1997.08

First visit to 115 (RK, DM): offer made to buy freehold

» 1997.12

Contracts exchanged for purchase

» 1998.10

Presentation of first plans for the building, preliminary estimates

» 1999.04

Camden Council gives planning permission

» 1999.10

Decision to make it a work building, without residential component

» 2000.01

Drawings and specifications sent out to tender

» 2000.02

John Morgan joins the project

» 2000.04

First contact with Malcolm Lynch (later Wrigleys) solicitors

» 2000.06

Rudgard City Ltd appointed as contractors

» 2000.08

Demolition of old buildings / new building starts

» 2001.03

Workplace Co-operative 115 Ltd incorporated

on 21 March 2001

» 2001.07

Pause in building work

» 2001.07

First meeting for prospective sharers, at the site

» 2001.09

Triodos Bank grants loan to complete the building

» 2001.10

Work on the building restarts

» 2001.11

Second meeting for prospective sharers

» 2002.04

First occupiers move in: Stuart Bailey, Peter Brawne, Cleo Broda, Robert Jones, Robin Kinross, Duncan Kramer, Dan Monck, John Morgan, Rod Packe, Maarten de Reus, Jack Schulze, Christopher Wilson

» 2002.10

Launch party

» 2003.06

Katherine Gillieson joins, Patrick Ward joins, Mike Stoner joins

» 2004.06

Stuart Bailey leaves, Patrick Ward leaves, Maarten de Reus leaves, John Morgan leaves, Christopher Wilson leaves, Ryan Saxon joins, Marc Linton joins, Mark Gunning joins, Robert Bradbrook joins

» 2004.09

Participation in Open House London (with evening concert)

» 2005.06

Jonathan Hodgson joins, Rod McLaren joins, Aviva Leeman joins

» 2007.05

Rod McLaren leaves, Matt Webb joins, Michele Gauler joins

» 2007.05 — 2008.05

Meetings held to address the issue of underuse of the building and to consider different membership structures; these lead to new procedures for admitting new members and a change in the structure of rents


» 2008.07

Michele Gauler leaves, Mark Gunning leaves, Jack Schulze leaves, Matt Webb leaves, Aviva Leeman leaves, James King joins, Lisa Gornick joins

» 2008.11

Displays by Cleo Broda and Jonathan Hodgson

» 2009.01

Synnøve Fredericks joins, Vanora Bennett joins

» 2010.02

Ryan Saxon leaves, Katherine Gillieson leaves, Aileen Harvey joins

» 2010.03

Olly Bishop-Young joins as an assistant to Dan Monck and Duncan Kramer

» 2010.06

New differentiated charges introduced, including lower rents for workshop users

» 2012.09

Marc Linton leaves, Ben Edmonds joins

» 2014.06

Jonathan Hodgson leaves, Cleo Broda leaves, James King leaves, Rod Packe leaves

» 2015.04

Anne Odling-Smee joins, Sadie Snelson joins, Yi-Jen Chen joins

» 2016.06

Vanora Bennett leaves, Ben Garfield joins

» 2017.05

Naomi Day joins

» 2017.06

Ben Edmonds leaves, Lucy Stackpool-Moore joins

» 2018.02

Naomi Day becomes a full member

» 2018.06

Graham Modlen joins

» 2019.01

Midwinter party, once again held at 115

» 2019.02

Lucy Stackpool-Moore leaves

» 2019.03

Sarah Monk joins

» 2019.06

Elena Veguillas joins

» 2019.08

Mike Stoner leaves. Jack Neville and Olly Bishop-Young, formerly assistants, become full members

» 2022.05

Robert Bradbrook leaves

» 2023.04

Sarah Monk leaves

» 2023.06

Graham Modlen leaves

» 2023.06

Yann Brien, Farrokh Aman and Jessie Rodger join

» 2023.07

Ishbel Mull and Louise Underhill (jointly IMLU) join

» 2024.01

Lisa Gornick leaves